I recently had a conversation with a friend whose current denominational affiliation may change drastically. It made me think about my own label and what I would be if I were not an evangelical (Pente-Baptist as I like to say) Christian. I am sure that I would be Orthodox or Catholic if I could get past a few things about these groups with which I seriously disagree (e.g. the Papacy). Since it is unlikely that I can ignore those things it appears that I won’t be going anywhere, but it is interesting to ponder since it brings some self-awareness regarding one’s own religious sensibilities.

So now I ask you this same question: If you weren’t ___________ you’d be ___________. If you currently see yourself with no affiliation or you are atheistic or agnostic where do you sympathize? If you are Christian would you be Muslim instead or another form of Christian? If you are Pentecostal would you be Methodist or Reformed if you had to make a move? I’d like to hear your thoughts!