I was contemplating the humanity of Christ this morning and was thinking through him being perfect as a man.  When we discuss or describe the perfect humanity of Christ we are making reference to his sinlessness.  His perfect humanity does not include making mistakes (I would have to assume he made some mistakes growing up as a child).  The one danger I suppose I can find here is that if Christ was prone to making mistakes (which I think he was) could he have made mistakes in his understanding of the Father and the kingdom of God?  I think that we must allow Jesus to be fully human and this would include the possibilities of making mistakes.

I don’t believe that Jesus made any mistakes in his understanding of the kingdom of God, nor his grasp of the Father.  I don’t think that is possible for a few reasons.  One that has already been stated is that Christ was of a sinless nature and was not corrupt in his humanity the way the rest of us are.  Second, I think that due to his divinity he was able to comprehend things that we couldn’t or possible even know.  Third, he was completely filled, empowered and led by the Spirit of God.  Lastly, his life was a life of discipline and obedience to the Father.   I think that these factors combined made it impossible for him to be mistaken in his comprehension of the Father and the kingdom of God.

I was just going to write this in my journal and continue thinking through it, but I thought I would share and get some further input.