As Joel Watts has noted, there has been a lot of discussion around the blogosphere sparked by Roger Olson’s recent post on the essentials of Christianity (see here) where he stated that he is “not certain” if a Christian must believe the doctrine of the Trinity. Similarly, Miroslav Volf has noted in a recent interview that he doesn’t see the doctrine of the Trinity as being something that should divide monotheistic Christians and Muslims (see here), which implies that it is the “oneness” of God that is more important when it comes to the essential nature of God than the “threeness”. These two prominent theologians have caused some stir in the blogosphere.

I have personally interacted with the public thoughts of Volf both here and here. This has sparked interesting conversations with people like our own JohnDave Medina and others like Nick Norelli and Bobby Grow who have made important observations regarding the importance of Trinitarian dogma for Christians. Likewise, on his blog, T.C. Robinson has had a few things to say including both a critique of Olson (see here) and a bold statement that he thinks the early church was “Trinitarian-ly conscious” (see here).

Others have gone the direction of Olson and Volf minimizing its importance. In the aforementioned post by Joel Watts he called the doctrine “idle speculation” here. Rodney Thomas emphasizes “Trinitarian ethics” of equality over Trinitarian dogmatics, which he seems to propose would lead to unity amongst Trinitarian and non-Trinitarian Christians just as Trinitarian doctrine teaches us of the equality of persons (see here). On another note from a different angle, Daniel Kirk hasn’t gone as far as some others (and he wrote interacting with Barth, not the blogosphere), but he did suggest that he prefers thinking about God from the angle of how “God has revealed Godself in the story”, rather than the later, more philosophical doctrines of the church (see here).

I am sure this is going to spark more debate and discussion from others. For some the Trinity is an ecumenical doctrine that is not open for discussion. For others it is one way of explaining the “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” triunity of early Christianity. For others it is dangerous and wrong. I am sure some fall somewhere in between these three categories. If you have a thought or two please feel free to drop a link in the comments or if you want to say something about one of these various blog posts that is welcomed as well.